Real stock market insights for retail investors

Let us face it!

Everyone wants to make more money, and the stock markets appear to be too good to be true.

Your friend, Yash, keeps bragging about the tons of money he makes with stock trading.

Your neighbour, Sharmaji, keeps getting tips that yield him handsome returns.

And, your colleague at work seems to be hitting the bulls eye with his stock picks all the time!

These are anecdotes…yeh sab kahaniyan hain!

No less than a Drishyam!

The data paints a completely different picture.

Did you know that…

Over 90% of retail traders lose money.

But, how do institutions make money?

Enter the power of data, discipline and process driven trading strategies, that were only accessible to institutional investors until now.

But, will that not be too complicated for regular people?

Can’t I just get a tip each day on my WhatsApp group and become the next Rakesh Jhunjhunwala?

If the tips really worked, why would they be giving them away for a tiny little amount? Think again – are they bothered about your profits or their own? Is the tip helping you buy, or is it helping someone sell?

So, what is the way out?

StockPatri believes in making the process of data driven trading and investing extremely intuitive. Even though this requires a ton of hard work, and careful analysis, we have you covered!

Access to knowledge, data, insights and proprietary indicators…

But, will that level the playing field?

Our approach is simple

We empower you with relevant data, insights and indicators, and also tell you what has worked in the past and what hasn’t. No one can predict the future, and neither can we. However, we can mine past patterns to increase our chances of success.

With over 90% retail folks losing money, we have a long way to go to increase your probability of success

Let’s make this journey super profitable, and super duper fun. We can’t wait to get started as we chart the patri of your favorite stocks for awesome profits!

Note: We only analyze and publish information based on past data, and do not offer any stock specific investment advice or research reports. As such, we are not required to register as research analysts or investment advisors. Please read the disclaimer before using information published on our website. Our founder is a dual qualified professional, a Chartered Accountant who was also part of the Director’s Merit List at IIM Bangalore.